
Reasons to include fruits in your daily diet

  • Fruit reduces inflammation

Most fruits contain antioxidants. Berries are high in antioxidants which help in reducing inflammation, while citrus fruits like oranges, kiwi and grapefruit are packed with vitamins and antioxidants that also aid in inflammation reduction.

  • Fruit supports your gut health

Fruit is a great source of dietary fiber which helps in maintaining a healthy gut and preventing digestive problems like constipation. Fiber in fruits helps you feel fuller longer which makes digestion more efficient and can contribute to good bacteria in your intestines which is important for proper digestion.

  • Fruit makes your skin glow

Eating fruit everyday is an easy way to boost your skin health. Antioxidants in fruits reduce inflammation and offer protection against free radicals, which help in delaying skin cell damage. As a result, the appearance of your skin is enhanced with more collagen, less wrinkles, and uneven dull skin tone.

  • Fruit hydrates your body and keeps you healthy

Almost all fruits contain large amounts of water that help keep you hydrated. Watermelons and strawberries are packed with water, vitamins and fiber that aid in digestion, cushion your joints, and help normalize your blood pressure.

  • Fruit helps you lose weight

Eating fruit daily supports in weight loss, because most fruits are relatively low in calories and high in fiber, which will help you feel full longer. It is best to choose fruits that are low in sugar like passion fruit, raspberries, blackberries and pomegranate.